On my 39th birthday, I made a list of "40 things to do before turning 40." Each time I check an item off the list, I'll write about it here. This is item No. 4, watching a movie at the Hollywood Cemetery.
--by Josh Suchon
Watching a movie
in the Hollywood Cemetery is similar to attending a football game. It’s
more than a game (or movie). The movie is almost an after-thought. This is an (almost)
all-night event, similar to tailgating. Except you’re not in a car and there’s
definitely no BBQing. This is picnicking around the dead.
I felt right at
Thanks to my
friends Emilie and Tyler, I was invited to join them last Saturday to see the
Woody Allen movie “Manhattan” projected against a big white wall, surrounded by
a bunch of really expensive tombstones and caskets.
Emilie and Tyler
made sure we got there early. Very early. The movie started at 8 pm. The gates
opened at 6:30 pm. Emilie and Tyler were there about 4:30 pm, making sure we
were near the front of the line. I got there around 5:30 pm.
What do you do
for an hour? Duhh. You drink. And eat. And play games. We had no shortage of
any of these items. I did learn that certain games are better than others. The
hosts made it clear they prefer games that involve “yelling out the answers.”
Once you walk
inside the gates, you want to mark your turf. As the seasoned professionals
they are, Emilie and Tyler had blankets to spread out on the grass. You’re not
supposed to bring those tall beach chairs. That makes it tough for the people
behind you to see. You want the chairs where you barely sit above the ground.
Or just lay on your blanket with a pillow.
To our left, we
saw a guy bring the hugest pillow/bed hybrid ever. It looked very comfortable.
It looked so comfortable, in fact, I can’t imagine how he stayed awake through
the movie. Turns out, most people end up falling asleep. Maybe it’s the wine. Maybe
it’s because you get sick of hearing Woody Allen’s whiny voice.
Bringing a
lantern is a good idea too. After the sunset, you can’t see much. It’s pretty
much pitch black. The most amusing part of the evening is watching somebody go
to the bathroom, and then struggle to remember where their group is located.
amusement stops when they eat your food, trip over your feet, or block your
view for more than a few minutes. The lantern is a good landmark to find your
friends, and to make sure you don’t forget anything afterward.
Tickets are a $10
donation. Buy them in advance online.
Parking is $15
at the cemetery (starting at 6:30). Other nearby lots charge about the same. We
lucked out and found a free spot in the neighborhood.
Only two shows remain this summer – True Romance on Sept. 15, and The Exorcist on Sept. 22.
I highly
recommend doing this. Very glad I put this on my list, and checked it off quickly. I’ll definitely be back and make this a
regular staple of my summer time activities.
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